The PagerDuty experience, on your wrist.

A WatchOS app to better manage your on-call shifts.


Reliable and Featureful Apple Watch app.

Improved features over the official PagerDuty Apple Watch.


Push based notification.

Quick notifications, delivered to you for immediate response.


Pull based notification.

Reliable notifications even in low network areas.


Full featured

Get access to as much data as on the mobile or web app.

More insights, better actions.

Complete description. Our app can provide you with details as precise as the mobile or desktop app.

Actionable. Handle the entire alert from your wrist. Pretty useful if you're at the beach or in the mountains.


In any network conditions

Push based Lets you retrieve alerts immediately after they are created for decreased response time.

Pull based Gives you the last time when the alerts were fetched, in case you are lost in the middle of the desert. Be warned when an alert could be missed.


Download the app

The official PagerDuty Apple Watch app only lets you receive alerts and see your on-call shifts. Install WatchPager and unlock many more features to your wrist.